Invoice Financing

Invoice financing, alternatively referred to as accounts receivable financing, is a type of asset-based financing that enables business owners to quickly access cash flow from unpaid invoices. Occasionally, past-due invoices take 30, 60, or even 90 days to be paid — depleting your business of critical resources.

It enables your business to quickly reinvest funds in its operations when you sell your invoices via an advance from Arcarius. Your accounts receivable serves as collateral, allowing you to obtain an advance quickly.

When we examine invoice financing in greater detail, we'll see how Arcarius can help your business succeed. We understand that you're tired of accruing credit card debt to cover financial obligations incurred when customers fail to pay on time.

Invoice financing provides an alternative to credit card and credit line debt, allowing your business to thrive. Whether you have a low credit score, a short history in business, or are simply tired of dealing with traditional funding options, it is a type of financing that takes a unique approach to getting the money you need now.

If your business is constantly inundated with invoices, you already understand how difficult it can be to live on the precipice of whether a customer will pay. Daily operations are dependent on these payments, and when invoices begin to accumulate, your cash flow situation becomes murky. This is where invoice financing services enter the picture.


Why you should consider invoice financing to assist with cash flow management:

  • Unlimited capital
  • Business financing is fast and easy
  • Financing helps build your business credit score
  • Retain your equity
  • Pay employees on time
  • Limit credit card debt
  • Detailed management receivable reports
  • Leverage expertise of an experienced lender
  • Invoice financing is not a business loan or term loan. No need to borrow money and repay debt
  • Enhance your purchasing power


Invoice financing can be used to meet a variety of industry requirements. Whether it's payroll, taxes, expansion, renovations, updated real estate, or simply getting started on a new project, invoice financing from a reputable financing company can quickly provide you with a cash advance.
Invoice financing uses your unpaid invoices from customers as collateral. When an invoice financing company checks credit histories and length of business, these are the customers who are evaluated.The cost of your business loans is entirely dependent on the invoice value, as it is subject to a variety of processing and financing fees. Invoice financing is an excellent alternative to traditional business loans for businesses that owe money to their customers.

Small Businesses Financing
Hassle Free

  •    Direct lender
  •   Same day funding
  •   Lowest rates in the industry
  •   Flexible terms
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+1 201-676-2106

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